script SWACES - Blog | NebraskaLand Bank
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NLB Blog


How an acronym, whiteboard, ceramic piggy bank, and motivational minute fosters our culture


NebraskaLand Bank was founded in May 1998 in a small storefront in downtown North Platte.  NLB began with the mission; “To serve our communities with high quality personalized service at a competitive price” that mission statement remains the same to this day.  From NLB’s humble beginnings with three dedicated employees and a group of local shareholders, we have grown to six locations, in North Platte, Kearney, and Rock Springs WY. We boast just over 100 employees, 10 board members, and approximately 120 shareholders.  Not only have we worked to maintain our mission we have also built a company culture that has been vital to our success.

NLB’s culture defines who we are, what we believe in, and what we work hard to accomplish. Our culture is evident in the way that we interact with each other and within our community. NLB genuinely cares about our employees, and works to facilitate an environment to help them realize their goals, dreams, and support their passions. One of the ways that we foster our culture is through a weekly meeting to support and recognize each other for upholding our culture in every action and interaction we have with each other and our community. We call this meeting SWACES, an acronym for our culture statements:

S-Service: Exceed the need. Nothing is beyond us.

W-Win: We win through customer growth and loyalty.

A-Attitude: Be humble. Be hungry. Be smart.

C-Community Minded: We are better together, be part of something bigger than yourself.

E-Expertise: Expand knowledge and empower employees.

S-Support: we work as a team; be protective of and value one another.

At our *weekly SWACES meeting, everyone has the opportunity to recognize co-workers for their accomplishments, hard work and dedication to our culture in the form of shout-outs, which are then recorded, on our Culture Board.  In addition, each week one person receives the 598 award; a ceramic piggy bank that’s named for NLB’s establishment date.  The 598 award is awarded from the person who received it the week before to a co-worker that is going beyond and living our culture. Check out our 2021 598 award winners below.

During the SWACES meeting, we also hear from our President and CEO, Mike Jacobson in what is called “Mike’s Minute” mind you, we use the term “minute” loosely.

Mike utilizes this time to inform, encourage, inspire and we usually get a good laugh as well. During “Mike’s Minute” he focuses on what’s happening in the Bank and in the community. From industry trends to life lessons, & social media anecdotes, this communication is something we all look forward to each week.

The meeting is adjourned after a motivational message from that week’s host. By the end of the meeting, the staff is left feeling inspired and ready to tackle the challenges of what lies ahead. To find out more about NLB’s culture visit Our Culture page.


2022: 598 Award Winners


 Rebekah Smith, Reception: Nancy Durr, Jasmine Finch



2021: 598 Award Winners


Mike Jacobson, Hans Julius, Cheryl Manka


Dennis Leeper, Danielle Remus, Jim Smith, Ty Lucas


Barb Barr, Aleyse Schroder, Kelsey Daily, Holly Trego, Amber Hoban


Levi Nicholson, Megan Myers, Wendy Merritt & Jennifer Boston, Sandy Ross


Abbie Johnson, Erin Brown


Sandy Ross, CJ Prokop


Amy Blake, Marketing Department: Chantel Burch, Evonne Keck, and Danielle Remus 


Amy Wolfskill, Jamie Streit, Christopher Borden


Megan Myers, Dennis Leeper


Terry Matthews, Christopeher Borden


Erin Brown, Tellers: Amy Boelling, Kaitlynn Blackburn, Lona McAllister, Ricki Resons, Shallyn Berry, Teresa Hehnke, Christopher Borden, Annette Beall, Cathi Wentink


 Amy Jay, Personal Bankers: Amber Frass, Jessica Moorhead, Lindsey Bernal, Lyuba Johnson, Amy Jay

*In May 2021 the SWACES meeting was changed to bi-weekly. 

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